How It Works


Membership to 100+ Women Who Care Colorado Springs is open to all women. No invitation is needed. Simply show up at a scheduled meeting and see if we are a fit for you. If nothing else, you will get to meet some amazing women who like to have fun while supporting our community.

Once you decide to become a member, simply join by answering a few question on our GRAPEVINE page. That’s it! We told you it was easy!

We hope you will join us at our next meeting to see how easy and fun speed philanthropy can be! In the meantime, join us on our FACEBOOK page or follow our INSTAGRAM.


Each member commits to donating $100 per quarter ($400 per year) for a period of one year, minimum.

Members are asked to sign up for recurring donations. Your quarterly donation goes directly to the selected charity as voted on by the members.

If paying by check you agree to mail your check promptly. We will notify you via email within 24 hours, with the name of the chosen charity and where to send your check. We must receive your check within 7 days in order to receive matching funds.

Based on the vision of our group, all donations go to non-profit organization located in Colorado Springs or El Paso County. National charities will only be considered if the funds are used locally.

Qualifying donations are matched up to $5000 each quarter by the Richard M Schulze Foundation. The foundation was initiated by the founder of Best Buy, and they have partnered with several 100+ Women Who Care organizations to give back to local communities. To benefit from this, we need all donations within 7 days of the scheduled meeting.


Members can nominate a local charity after being a member for three quarters.

Members must be in attendance to nominate or vote.

Member must have a signed Member Commitment Form on file or be signed up for recurring donations on Grapevine.

Nominations are collected during our check in process at each meeting from 5:30-6:00 PM.

Multiple members may nominate the same charity.

The presentation guidelines can be found here: PRESENTATION GUIDELINES

The presentation worksheet for talking points can be found here: PRESENTATION TALKING POINTS


Three charities will be randomly drawn at each meeting. When a charity is drawn, the nomination member (or member of their choice) will speak about their charity. In a brief 5 MINUTES, you will make a verbal presentation of the charity mission and why it is deserving of your vote.

Only members can participate in the presentation. Members have an opportunity to ask questions. (Guests are not permitted to ask questions or address the membership).

Members vote and the charity with the most votes is the recipient of our funds. A representative of the winning non-profit will attend our next meeting to explain how our funds were used. This presentation is limited to 3 minutes or less.


Winning charities are not eligible for renomination for 2 years (8 meetings) after their win.

Only members are allowed to nominate, vote, and address the members.

We do not allow PowerPoints, visual aids, additional speakers, or handouts.

Ties will be decided by a re-vote between the tied charities. If a tie persists, the charities that are tied will go back in the bowl and the recipient will be drawn.

Our charities must agree to not give out our member information or add members to their mailing list for future solicitation.

Members are responsible ensuring 100WWCCS has their current email address. Tax receipts are available yearly from Grapevine.